They say that life is made of small moments; walking, running, smiling and feeling every movement, but your body is not always prepared for what awaits you on the road, as it does not stop changing over the decades, menopause is a period that undoubtedly marks the existence of women.

Menopause and bone health

In addition to menopause, there are other risk factors such as advanced age, smoking, extreme thinness or a family history of fractures that can favor the appearance of bone wear.

Hip wear

Hip wear is one of the most frequent and slow-developing musculoskeletal conditions. It especially affects women and, despite the fact that its incidence is higher in elderly patients, the truth is that a percentage of those who suffer from it begin to manifest their symptoms after the age of 30.

Stay alert with these symptoms

  • Intense pain.
  • Pain manifests itself when climbing stairs or overexertion.
  • Painful crunches when crossing the legs.
  • Discomfort at night when trying to turn or move.
  • Burning sensation in the groin area.

How to stop the pain?

  • Always maintain an adequate weight.
  • Perform light exercises such as walking, running or swimming.
  • Correct bad posture habits.
  • Do not load excessive weights.
  • Avoid standing without resting.
  • Visit a specialist.

The specialist will always be the one who can best assess

At CIFO Traumatology and Orthopedics, we promote the use of new technologies that have revolutionized all aspects of medicine and orthopedic surgery.

We are especially interested in functional recovery that allows patients to return to their usual activities and sports as soon as possible.

At CIFO we can help you.


XXXII Mexican Congress of Orthopedics and Traumatology

Veracruz, México. October 2022

For us at CIFO, constant updating is very important, in this participation assessing the issues of short and fast surgeries for senior patients with short immobilization time, preferably not splints or casts. We continue to listen to world experts with the latest theories on how to care for unstable trauma patients.

CIFO Stay Active.

At CIFO, we are driven by the great desire to help you.


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CIFO / Hospital H+


Los Barriles