Don't let back pain limit your activities

Back problems appear both suddenly and progressively and can cause intense pain.

In fact, specialists indicate that it is the main cause of disability worldwide, pointing out that 92 percent of people suffer from it at some point in their lives.

The three areas where the pain manifests are the neck, upper and lower back and it is more frequent between 40 and 59 years.


When to go to the specialists?

  • If the pain persists beyond 7 to 10 days and does not subside with rest.

  • That is accompanied by loss of sensation or tingling in the extremities, or loss of strength in the lower extremities.

  • A nocturnal pain capable of waking the patient.

  • The pain persists even at rest.

Medical specialists

"At CIFO we offer everything you need to determine the conditions in which your spine is and establish the treatment to follow"

Doctor Luis Cárdenas, CIFO medical director.

The attention is under the attention of specialists with training in the most modern surgical techniques to repair cervical, dorsal and lumbar injuries.

This surgery is very safe, allowing the patient in a few days to begin their rehabilitation and return to daily life.

Move freely! STAY ACTIVE

At CIFO, we are driven by the great desire to help you.


Happy families


Years of experience


Branch offices

Highly Qualified

San José del Cabo


Cabo San Lucas


CIFO / Hospital H+


Los Barriles