The more we lower our heads to look at the mobile phone, the worse it is for your spine.

Nowadays there are more people who besides having their own telephone, have a professional mobile also , used as a means of work.

It is estimated that we look at our mobile phone about a hundred times a day, which translates into an accumulated forced movement of the neck of more than 50 minutes a day.

What is WhatsApp neck?

Spinal problems directly related to the use of the mobile phone are the following:

Warning signs

• Pain in the shoulders and in the center of the back. These pains are usually worse at night, when the muscles relax and return to their natural position. The pain can become acute and prevent us from sleeping. Lack of rest and poor posture aggravate these problems.

• In the medium and long term, more serious problems may also arise. Among them, the appearance of neuropathic-type pain (due to the inflammation of the nerves that pass through the spine), herniated discs and alterations in the alignment of the vertebrae of the cervical spine (due to chronic inflammation of the ligaments of the neck ).

Because it is the support of your life, value your column

The longer you delay taking care of your back pain, the more risk you may have for lasting damage and negative consequences in your day-to-day life.

CIFO recommends

If you think pain in your spine , whatever its origin, is affecting your life and bothering you, it's important to talk to your doctor.

95 percent of our patients with muscle, joint, or bone pain or injury have excellent improvement.

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