Crack sound in
the knee

Move freely

We get up from a chair and suddenly we hear an unpleasant crack coming from one of our knees.

We’re talking about one of the most important joints in our body, since in addition to being key to supporting our weight, they allow us to walk, jump or run.

The normal processes related to age and excess weight, as well as physical inactivity, can lead to wear and tear on the joint.

The knees are made up of bones, cartilage, muscles, ligaments, and tendons, which together allow the legs to bend, stretch, support, and rotate.


Overcoming injuries with CIFO

At CIFO we will help you decide the option that will help you move freely. Don’t stop your activity and live your life, that’s our priority.

Knee injuries can occur simply from your daily or work actions where the joint is subjected to constant movements and pressure, which can result in poor muscle strength, wasted, and ruptured meniscus or ligaments.

Knee arthroscopy

It’s a minimally invasive procedure that allows access and treatment of injuries through 2 or 3 small incisions of less than one centimeter that allow access to the joint.


  • Clear and detailed explanation of your condition with state-of-the-art technology.

  • Excellence in surgery, with more than 15 years of experience.

  • Accurate diagnosis and personalized attention by experts.

  • We work with all insurers.

  • Minimal invasion with maximum results.

Live your life!

“Knee injuries have stopped the sports life of thousands of Mexicans; they hurt, swell, block, produce instability in the joint and don’t allow us to walk, work or play sports; injuries can be acute or chronic. At CIFO we can help you, we do this through a videocall to the safety of your home, just make an appointment”:

Doctor Luis Cárdenas, CIFO medical director.

At CIFO we are driven by the great desire to help you


Happy families


Years of experience



Highly Qualified

San José del Cabo


Cabo San Lucas


CIFO / Hospital H+


Los Barriles